scrap quilt

a seriously scrappy quilt

In general, I’m a “work on one quilt at a time” kind of quilter.  Once I start a quilt, I get tunnel vision and I am unable to think about any other project until the quilt has been bound and donated/gifted/put to use.  I have two current project exceptions to this, one of which is this mega-scrappy quilt.  This project has sat dormant for so long that I no longer know when I started it!  At some point (several years ago!), I pulled out all my scraps and started sewing them together.  At the time, I was still a novice quilter and while I had the idea to make a scrappy quilt, I didn’t have the slightest idea how to put it together.  Flash forward several years and armed with about a million completed quilts under my belt, I pulled out the pieces and sewed them all together.  It only took me an hour or so to sew the large pieces together – go figure!

scrap quilt

It’s so fun to see random pieces from my previous projects in this quilt (those chickens!)!

scrap quilt

scrap quilt

scrap quilt

Needless to say, I love how this quilt came out!  Clearly, the moral of the story is to not let unfinished quilts sit around for years and years!

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